Why easydunning.com
You do not want to invest in extensive collection software along with setting up an internal project for implementation, but at this moment you are unable to send your reminders by e-mail or in batch in the most efficient way.
Your current application is not able to print or e-mail the reminders in batch?
You don’t want to invest a lot of time and money?
You want to be operational within a few weeks?
You want to be flexible in how and when you communicate with your customers and have the possibility to make changes very easily?
Currently you are not able to have your customers pay you online?
You want to have information about the results and performance of the actions taken?
In case these questions can be answered with YES, easydunning.com is your way to success! If you would like more information or make an appointment, please contact us by filling in the contact form on the page About us.